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2003年诺贝尔奖得主希林·伊巴迪(右)与伊朗裔美国澳门赌场官网协会主席Yasmin Bigdeli.

4月20日在华盛顿举行的伊朗裔美国澳门赌场官网协会(IABA)第九届年度全国会议和庆典上,伊朗司法公正的获得和法律职业的削弱成为人们关注的主要问题之一, D.C., that drew more than 200 attendees.

为期一天的活动的高潮是2003年诺贝尔奖得主希林·伊巴迪的主题演讲, 世界著名的教育家, 澳门赌场官网, 人权捍卫者. In 1975 Ebadi became the first woman president of the city court of Tehran, but after the 1979 Islamic revolution, she was fired along with all other women judges.

“我知道关于伊朗有很多话要说,”伊巴迪通过翻译说. “There are many stories, which are mostly sad. 然而, since we are in a gathering of attorneys, let me focus on the situation [involving] attorneys in Iran.”

伊巴迪回忆了她在伊朗革命后和伊朗澳门赌场官网协会解散后在伊朗执业的经历. “革命者不相信代表制,”伊巴迪说. “作为由澳门赌场官网们选举出来的澳门赌场官网委员会成员,我们都被打倒了. Many were thrown in prison or fired.“在接下来的18年里, 141名澳门赌场官网因“反革命或信仰bah í信仰”而被吊销执业执照,伊巴迪补充道.

Ebadi wasn’t permitted to practice law in Iran until 1992, 当她开始为持不同政见者和其他人权受到侵犯的人辩护时. 她作为人权澳门赌场官网的工作导致她在1999年被伊斯兰共和国逮捕并单独监禁25天. 她被判处一年半监禁,五年内不得从事澳门赌场官网工作, although this was later reduced to a fine during the appeals process.

In 1997, following international political pressure, an elected board was reinstated for the Iran 酒吧 Association. 不过, 伊朗议会颁布了一项法律,要求该委员会的候选人必须经过司法部门的审查. “这意味着任何像我这样的澳门赌场官网都没有经过审查,”伊巴迪说. “We were never permitted to get on the board.”

伊巴迪说:“还有其他通过的法律,导致澳门赌场官网的权力被削弱. “大约八年前, a law was passed [requiring] attorneys representing political prisoners, 或者良心犯, 在调查或审讯过程中由司法机关指定,这意味着被告没有权利选择自己的澳门赌场官网, until the matter was sent to the court.”

When Ebadi won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003, she donated part of the money to the Defenders of Human Rights Center. 她于2009年伊朗总统大选前离开伊朗,目前居住在伦敦.

“Since the revolution of 1979, 在我的记忆中,伊朗的监狱里从来没有没有澳门赌场官网,伊巴迪说.

Ebadi apologized for delivering such a somber keynote address, but issued a call to action to attendees. “我想问你, my dear colleagues and friends, to use the freedom of speech that you enjoy, to use the principles of justice and 股本 that we all believe in, 谈论那些在伊朗仅仅因为做澳门赌场官网而被监禁的澳门赌场官网,”她说。.

In addition to Ebadi’s address, 国际澳门赌场官网协会会议还为三名法律系学生颁发了奖学金,并颁发了该组织的年度奖项. 芬威克 & West LLP因代表在美国军事行动结束后抵达美国的阿富汗人而获得公益奖.S. military withdrew from Afghanistan in August 2021. 该公司还建立了芬威克阿富汗援助项目,以支持寻求人道主义假释的阿富汗人.

“I’m always proud to work with colleagues when called upon to help,弗洛伊德·米尔斯说, 芬威克’s director of diversity, 股本, 和包容. Ensuring that everyone has access to justice, 不管他们来自哪里,也不管他们是否有能力支付法律服务——这是芬威克引以为豪的主张. I’m thrilled to be recognized [by IABA] for our work.”

亚斯明Chubin, 克鲁尼司法基金会案卷倡议的法律倡导主任, 因她的组织努力收集证据,起诉大规模暴行的肇事者,并在法庭上代表侵犯人权的幸存者,而获得国际正义奖.

 “从如此受人尊敬的同行和伊朗澳门赌场官网同行那里获得这一荣誉不仅令人难以置信的谦卑, but it also validates my work in terms of our shared values as a community,楚斌说. “This work is fraught with challenges. It’s slow, it’s imperfect, it’s politically influenced. 但我认为,它仍然是追究肇事者责任、让无声者发声的最佳机制.”

 The Collective for Black Iranians, led by filmmaker and creative director Priscillia Kounkou Hoveyda, 因提高伊朗黑人的声音和故事而获得社区影响力奖. 霍华德大学医学院学生纳德·沙耶格(Nader Shayegh)代表Hoveyda领奖. Shayegh分享了Hoveyda的故事,作为德黑兰为数不多的黑人伊朗人之一,她在成长过程中感到被孤立,并与消除黑人身份作斗争.

 “我的目标很简单,但很有挑战性,”Hoveyda在Shayegh宣读的声明中说. “[It is] to influence Iranian culture and make it see us, make it center [on] Black Iranian stories, 并最终开始承认强迫沉默造成的有害后果,比如“我们没有伊朗黑人”,’ ‘We don’t see color as Iranians,’ or the crooked concept of Blackness being a Western concept.”

 与此同时, 微软首席法律官侯赛因·诺巴尔(Hossein Nowbar)获得了IABA颁发的首个开拓者奖,以表彰他在推动公司在全球范围内的公共政策优先事项方面所发挥的作用. 在领奖时,诺巴感谢了他的家人和微软的同事. “We reflect those [with] whom we surround ourselves. 它是我们的伙伴——我们从他们那里学习和成长——他们传授智慧,帮助我们成为最好的自己,诺巴说. “As I accept this award for being a trailblazer, I want to share with you what I’ve always made a priority in my life. 那就是知道并谦卑地每天提醒自己,我知道的比我知道的要少.”

 The conference also included panel discussions on sanctions; human rights and international law; artificial intelligence, 道德, and the law; and immigration, as well as a conversation with Iranian American judges.
